domingo, 8 de noviembre de 2015

Hellrad: Things Never Changed + Entrevista

Año: 2015
Sello: Independiente/Autoproducido
País de origen: USA

Si te gusta la mugre, las fumadas y el rock bien duro, te gustarán estos Hellrad que vienen de Filadelfia (USA). Riffs a tope de maría y mala actitud. Mala pa los malos. Metal-punk-tarugo ¡Con todos mis respetos!
Suenan a ratos a Slayer (Streetzombies) y mucho a Eyehategod (escoge la tuya) pero con más gancho. Con una voz saturada de humo y obliteración.
También tienen momentos más a lo "Conan el bárbaro" ("15 years and counting"). Y destaco como single total la última, "Smokemorecrack" de clara temática infantil pero apta para el disfrute de toda la familia.
Como creo más en que la banda y la música hablen por sí mismas, escúchalos
mientras lees lo que tienen que decir:

PR: ¿Con qué grupo os gustaría tocar lo más?
Hellrad: Demasiados para nombrarlos...pero estoy bastante seguro de que Mike Hook estaría encantado de tocar con Ghost

PR: ¿Qué grabación estais promocionando ahora mismo y qué más teneis preparado?
HR: "Things never change" es nuestro Lp de siete canciones que podeis encontrar en: y estamos escribiendo canciones para un nuevo Lp que seguramente grabaremos en el verano de 2016.

PR: ¿Qué cacharros usais (pregunta freak)?
HR: dw drums, ampeg, gibson, guild, altavoces emperor, pastillas custom blk/tri , etc.

PR: ¿Nos puedes contar algunas locuras que os hayan pasado tocando?
HR: Hicimos un bolo en Lawrence (Kansas) en la sala Replay, un sitio perita (cool). Llegamos y encontramos que The Sword tocaba un poco más arriba en la misma calle. Nos quedamos planchaos.
En fin, empezamos a tocar y de pronto aparece un loco "bailando" pogo él solo. Coge un mesa realmente pesada con bebidas encima y la estrella contra el suelo.
Las bebidas salen volando, la mesa se parte y el tipo corre hacia la puerta, le dice al de seguridad "dile a este grupo que pienso que son cojonudos" y se va corriendo por la calle. Noche completa.

En inglés:

PR: How many years have you been playing in bands by now? do you consider yourselves "lifers" of it?
HR: we’ve all been playing in various bands for 20+ years. we are lifers, yes.

PR:How did you put Hellrad together?
HR: Mike hook (eat the turnbuckle) asked Robert Lepor(brain candle) if he would like to start a band with slower songs that had a more Black Sabbath feel. This was july of 2014. They got together in early August and started writing songs, Herb Jowett(Javelina) and Dirty dave(Warsaw) came into the group in september and they have been writing and playing shows since november 2014.

PR: Have the name any "hidden" meaning?
HR: The name is a play on the “lrad” - long range acoustic device. It is used by police and military for crowd control. it is a very loud speaker that can break your eardrums if you are too close to it.

PR: Name the bands that start it out for you.
HR: Laughing hyenas..Motorhead..Black sabbath..Brutal truth..the Damned..Bad brains

PR: If you work day-jobs, which one are they?
HR: Too many to list here, we all work different jobs in Philadelphia and NJ.

PR: How has been the recent tour? How many cities did you visit?
HR: Our first tour went very well, 14 shows in 14 cities. The response has been very good, and we met and played with many great bands like Shai hulud, Disappointed parents, Death of kings, Nervo chaos, Formulus, Suppressive fire and Thieves.

PR: Which one band you would like to play with the most?
Too many to list here, but i’m pretty sure Mike Hook would love to play a show with Ghost.

PR: What recording are you promoting right now and what more have you "in store"?
HR: “Things never change” is our seven song lp that can be found at this link:
and we have been writing songs for a new lp that will most likely be recorded summer 2016

PR: What gear (geek stuff) do you use?
HR: dw drums, ampeg, gibson, guild, emperor cabinets, blk/tri custom pickups, etc.

PR: Can you relate some crazy happenings that you got through with the band?
(instances: akward moments during tours, crummy rehearsal rooms and venues, weird blokes at gigs)
HR: We played a show in lawrence kansas at the replay lounge, cool venue. We get there and find out The Sword is plying about a half a block up the street. We’re kinda bummed. Then we are playing our set, and this wild man comes in and strats basically slam dancing with himself. Then he picks up a very heavy table with drinks on it and smashes it on the floor. Drinks go flying, the table breaks, and he runs out the door, says to the door guy “tell that band i think they are awesome!” and runs up the street. Night made.

Reseña y entrevista a cargo de Gaspar Hache Eme (de las bandas VidaGuerrilla y ProductO)

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