Listen to The Gardnerz for the first time was one of those pleasant surprises that you always want to experience. Death Doom done with class, made by talented musicians who know that this music should sound heavy, deep and elegant at once. So after doing a review, I requested an interview. Well, here is the interview with this very good band, that every lover of the genre should listen.
Note: the answers given by Francisco are in Spanish, because he wrote it in this way; and who we do the blog we have decided to respect it.
Puro Ruido: Hey, how's it going in there? It is
a pleasure to interview.
Wilhelm: Hey
man, I am doing great, great weather outside. I have just started the night
shift at my job so I have a hopefully calm evening ahead of me here at work and
that time I will spend writing to you. Thank you, I feel honoured that you have
taken time to talk to me.
PR: How active is the band in 2014? Are playing
live? Composing new songs?
W: We have
mainly been practising the songs we will record for our new album all at their
own place of course, since we still live far away from each other. We will
start recording early this summer, so we are stoked to get cracking.
I have not
written any new songs for The Gardnerz in a good while, we had more than enough
to choose from for the new album, so we are all going in that direction.
PR: The biography of the group can be read it
in Internet (facebook, homepage, etc), so we are going to obviate it. But what
interests me is to know why The Gardnerz born. So, what motivated the creation
of this band?
W: The
reason I formed this band was that I had been away studying in Florida for a
semester and I did not have a guitar with me, so when I got home I had to get
the poison out.
My idea was
to create a musical playground for myself. I have had felt constrained in my
previous bands, not being able to do what I wanted and so on, so with The
Gardnerz I decided to do exactly what I wanted. I mean I wanted to do something
in the Death/Doom metal spectrum. But I do not want to be confined just to slow
power chord chugging, so anything goes in this band, well I mean you will not
find any love ballads or nothing, or will you??
PR: Death Doom, Doomy Death, are the tags used
to categorize the music of the band. However, I think it is not easy to put you
a definitive tag because the musical spectrum within you move is quite broad.
There are limits when composing? Or anything that fits into the musical context
of the group is welcome?
W: As I
said above, I want to create Death/Doom metal, but since I listen to and play
almost all kinds of music I can’t help but sneak in all kinds of influences in
the band. I think one think that really has helped us get a bit of a different
sound is our drummer Vedran since he is more into the progressive side of metal
I think he has added a lot of cool stuff and flair to the music. Where most
drummers in our field would just keep the beat Vedran always makes it more
interesting. If we talk limits, I try to stay away from the biggest metal
clichés, that was one of my mail goals, to try to create something with a sense
of self. I have never seen the point of all the “clone” bands out there, and
because of that I did not want to create one myself.
I am not
saying that we are doing something totally new, but I do feel and a lot of
people have told me that we do sound a bit different. So hopefully we are on
the right track.
PR: Speaking of music, what are the most
obvious differences you find between the full lenght and you other recordings?
W: Besides
length? I’m only joking. I feel that we have gotten better with every release.
I feel that
the first album was an experiment where I was trying different things and
trying to figure out what I wanted to do. I do not mean that I think that our
first album is bad, I love it, it was my first real album, so I will always
think it is my baby but I feel that our
other (newer) releases are more in line of what I want to do, and the “Exiting
Reality” single being the crystallisation of this. And since we changed drummers
after the system of nature I think we got a more cohesive sound since we got to
practise as a band for it all fades, as we did not get to do this for the first
album. And for the single Vedran and I spoke a lot about the drums and so on,
what would work best.
PR: In "It All Fades" included the
great and original version of Darkthrone's "Transilvanian Hunger".
Let me say, is absolutely brilliant what you did with that song. make it in
that way, it was planned? Or did it arise in the middle of an improvisation?
W: Thank
you! As with many great things, this cover arose out of a mistake. I was
working as a guitar teacher and a student had requested the Kansas song “Dust
in the Wind” and while learning it I played the chord sequence wrong and voilá
I had the basics for that cover. And a few years later while we were recording “It
All Fades” mini album our bass player (Francisco) suggested that we should include
an acoustic cover of a Metal song, and after some thinking I remembered that I
had this little gem in the archives. At first my idea was to just do it as a
little interlude or something, but I thought it came out so cool that I decided
to do the entire thing and thanks to Paulina’s fantastic performance I think
this mistake turned out to be a great one.
PR: While we're on the covers, one of the bonus
tracks included in the full lenght is a cover of a band I love: Vulcano. Why
chose to do a song by that band? By the way, there is a connection between The
Gardnerz and South America, right? I mean, there are Latino members, and the EP
was mixed and mastered in Chile, or am I wrong?
W: Yeah
they are a great band, I was fortunate enough to se them live last year. What a
That cover
was our bass player being at it again, he wanted to get something South
American on the record so that is why we did the Vulcano cover. Besides that it
is great to pay tribute to such a great band.. You are correct, Francisco is
from Chile and our former drummer Juan Pablo Donoso is also from Chile. And “It
All Fades” and “Exiting Reality” recordings were both mixed and mastered in
Francisco: Claro, en el debut de The Gardnerz
grabamos dos integrantes sudamericanos, Juan Pablo Donoso (Sadism/Pentagram
(Chile)/Thornafire) que fue quien tocó la batería, y yo que sigo siendo el
bajista de la banda hasta el día de hoy. Bueno, yo soy chileno pero criado en
Centro América (San Pedro Sula, Honduras), luego viví también en Brasil (Sao
Paulo) y desde hace casi 10 años que estoy en Europa... ahhh y mi esposa es una
compatriota de ustedes, de Belén de Escobar en Buenos Aires.
El album “Bloody Vengeance” de Vulcano es una
total maravilla del Death Metal, así que porqué no hacer un cover del tema
homónimo??? Son tantas las bandas en Sudamérica tocando versiones de bandas de
Europa o de Norteamérica que me pareció lo más apropiado para esta banda sueca
el hacer una versión de una banda de mi continente.
En Chile yo toqué en una banda que se llamaba
Kanatran (que una vez tocó en Cordoba, antes de que yo estuviese con ellos) y
el ingeniero (Cristian Rodríguez Lunecke) de la banda era buenísimo, así que
cuando grabé el segundo disco de Inner Sanctvm (Uruguay) le mostré a Wilhelm el
resultado que habíamos obtenido con él y de ahí no pasó mucho tiempo hasta que
nos decidimos a trabajar con él para The Gardnerz.
Te puedo contar que hasta Dan Swanö me dijo que
felicitara al ingeniero por los resultados que había escuchado de él, y además
está el asunto economico ya que trabajar con alguien en Chile puede llegar a
costarnos un cuarto de lo que tendríamos que pagar por hacerlo con alguien acá
en los países nórdicos, y el resultado NO es un 75% inferior, me entiendes a lo
que me refiero???
Luis de Vibrion un día me comentó que estaba hacienda las reediciones del material de la banda y que necesitaba a alguien para remasterizar, así que le recomendé a Cristian y el resultado quedó también realmente asesino.
Luis de Vibrion un día me comentó que estaba hacienda las reediciones del material de la banda y que necesitaba a alguien para remasterizar, así que le recomendé a Cristian y el resultado quedó también realmente asesino.
A todas las bandas les recomiendo que si quieren
sonar a un excelente nivel sin tener que vender la casa para pagar el
ingeniero, deberían darle una mirada a la página web del estudio
PR: What place of importance occupy the lyrics
in the band’s music? For what I have read, use the lyrics to express what you
think about the man, his decadence and related questions, but in a
philosophical way
W: For me
the lyrics is very important, I view it as since I have a chance to express
myself why not do it. I have not written all the lyrics but all the lyrics are
based on my ideas and thoughts.
When I did
not write the lyrics I gave the person writing and idea of what I wanted the
song to be about and yeah you are correct, our lyrics are my reflections on men
and his/her roll in society. We have lyrics about religion, politics philosophy
and so on, the once about religious are anti-religious, and are discussing
fallacies of religion and holes in their logic. The political stuff is mainly
about over-consumption and how our capitalistic society is bleeding us dry. I
don't want the lyrics to be too preachy, but I think it is pretty obvious what
we believe.
We have
also had lyrics about the environment and such. I know it might sound very
negative, but that is not the point, just wallowing in the misery. I want to
point out the problems we have in this world and ways people are living that I
think are wrong.
The main
idea I have been trying to convey on our “Exiting Reality” single is the adage:
“you only get what you give” and the idea that “you are the master of your
existence”. In the first part of our single Niclas wrote/sings a line that goes
"The hand of god is my own” and I think that perfectly illustrates what I
was going for. Forget the gods and create your own paradise.
PR: Wilhelm, take the opportunity to ask you
something about your ex-band: Tristitia. Has this group stayed definitively in
the past?
W: Well I
was only in that band for such a short time so I can't really say too much
about it. But I know they put out a demo or something last year, maybe it was
just songs online I can't remember, but for me it is in the past anyway.
I keep in
contact with the main man in that band Luis B. Gálvez (also a Chilean guy)
every once in a while.
PR: Wherefrom does inspiration come to create?
How is it the creative process?
W: I view
creating music as a hobby, similar to laying a puzzle, and instead of doing
puzzles or what have you I write songs. For me that is the best aspect, playing
around with ideas and see what I can do and then to see how the song grows and
changes when the other members add their parts and ideas.
I write and
demo the songs at the same time, if not I would never remember since we don't
practise as a "full band". I generally start out with a riff or an
idea and then just takes it where it wants to go, so the songs starts out with
guitar and a drum machine, sometimes even bass if I feel especially productive,
then everyone in the band gets my demos and gets to give their two cents.
PR: What vision you have of the current
panorama of what is the scene of the Metal, already in the Underground or not?
Or think that is not having a good moment?
W: To be
honest I am not keeping track so much of the metal scene in general. I think
the scene is so over flooded with boring clone bands, that it is boring beyond
Of course
sometimes you get a gem thrown your way, but I mostly keep to my old favourites,
anyway since I write for a Metal website ( I get a
shit load of albums sent my way. Unfortunately very little attracts my
interest, some new or newer bands I should say that I think are really good are
Doomed, Septekh and Embalmed.
One band
that I only last year got in to is Dying Fetus, oohh boy, I had missed a great
band there, now I can't get enough of them.
And the
entire “Core” scene never caught my attention when it was called “Hard” or “Grind”,
and the Metal and Death Core scene is not for me either... good or bad I don't
know, just not for me.
I think it
is great that bands are trying to expand on sounds and change up things, but
that doesn't mean that it will appeal to me. I try to spend as little time as
possible with things I dislike, I see no point in spreading your hate and
dislike about things, I think it is better to try to promote things that you
PR: Ok, I think this is all. By the way, it
would be great to see you playing live, here in Latin America. Want to leave a
message for your Latino fans?
W: I hope
we will make it over the pond one day to play for you. And since we have so
many contacts in South America I think this will happened sooner or later.
Thanks for
talking to me and a huge hug to all the fans and friends in South America. We
are extremely happy with all the support! Hugs and keep it slow! Wilhelm.
Francisco: Espero que para este próximo año (2015)
podamos organizar algo para tocar en Sudamérica, con Wilhelm hemos hablado al
respecto y por supuesto que sería espectacular el poder presentarnos en vivo
para ustedes... yo también no hayo la hora de viajar a Argentina nuevamente y
comerme todos los helados de dulce de leche que mi cuerpo pueda resistir, comer
alfajores de maizena y tomar fernet-cola hahahaha.
Para mi Argentina es un país muy especial, mi
esposa es argentina, parte de mi familia vive ahí también, y hace algún tiempo
un gran amigo mío alemán (Jan) se fue a vivir al Paraná, así que espero dentro
de poco poder estar nuevamente en tierras argentas.
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